Enabling Productive Oceans...


With so much of our food coming from the sea, the monitoring of naturally occurring and man-made toxins in the sea, which can be ingested by fish and shellfish, and can be absorbed by seaweeds is of vital importance.  Some of these toxins can be produced by Harmful Algal Blooms. Research at SAMS is developing methods, including models and other risk assessment tools, which can provide early warning of HAB events. Underpinned by this expertise, SAMS Enterprise makes these cutting edge tools available to aquaculture, regulators and the public.

SAMS Enterprise also provides an essential service to the seafood industry in gathering and analysing water samples to monitor the presence of toxic phytoplankton (and free toxins), to ensure the safe harvesting of seafood and to safeguard human health.

SAMS Enterprise provides the following services to the Seafood Security industry:

  • >Toxic Phytoplankton Monitoring
  • >Laboratory analysis (contaminants/benthic/seawater)
  • >Modelling (particle dispersal/SVC/sea-lice connectivity/HABs/jellyfish)
  • >Biosecurity (introduction and management of invasive species)
  • >Environmental Impact Assessment support (effluents and waste disposal)


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